
Grupo Anarquistadee Studios Sociales: 2013

Friday, December 13, 2013

10 recommendations if you want your child to be happy

"No one teaches you to be a MOM/dad," is one of the more common phrases and more certain about the maternity/paternity leave, so there are hundreds of manuals that are trying to teach is the best way to do it; and it has left one more.

But this time it's a book that is part of the happiness to teach values to our children.
Written by Victoria Camps, philosopher and essay 2012 Spain national prize winning Professor, who is also a mother, proposes the reflection and self-criticism as the magic formula for the happiness of the children, according to the Spanish newspaper ABC.
"The only thing I want is that my son is happy": that was the premise from which the philosopher came to write the book titled what to teach children; It is not a manual to solve problems, but an essay on the teaching of ethics, where needs of society not to fall into the inconsistency of values, the author said.
From there, the journal extract some important points in the book.
1. Happiness - do not get to get everything that we want, because that is not always possible, so be prepared to overcome and deal with situations that we might see negative. He is achieved with the help of others. Care in developing media in the end (which would be the pursuit of happiness), because there are momentary pleasures that when they go out of control are counterproductive. Happiness should not be confused with immediate satisfaction, because the consumer without boundaries contributes to confuse it; so not "we solve a whim with a gift".
2. Good humor - is not the same as happiness, is only a manifestation of it helping to adapt more efficiently to changes, as it is a sign of intelligence, which is learned.
3. Character - shaped inculcating habits based on repetition and routine, even when the infant is not agreed, because the idea is that you like what you should like him; It is a way to adapt it to the customs under which we are governed.
4. Liability-"the moral is not a matter of reason, but of feelings. The child will not learn to behave correctly if you do not feel, at the same time who knows, things are better than others".
5. Pain - should be teach to face it, accept it when it is inevitable and to reject it when it is superfluous and useless.
6 Self-esteem - task of parents: accept their children, not to idealize them or projected on them. The idea and get the better of the child, but still he who recognizes himself. This will be easier if the parents do not build a false image of him, and yes a pro that it is based on encouraging him to have confidence.
7. Good feelings - they are also educated and are governed; so practice because they do not appear alone and remember "you do what you don't want to do," said Confucio.
8. Good taste - like feelings, taste is educated and learned. Beyond the taste for culture is to daily tasks and the "poise", which teach children to behave according to the place where they are, from the base that not everything goes anywhere or for any situation. This is taught by example.
9. Generosity - teaching a child to be generous is "teach him to live not so attached to him, teach him to give, and not only to receive. Generosity is also the antidote to selfishness meaning adherence exaggerated self and their belongings or interests. It means putting what one has at the same time to the service of the one that has less or many things are missing that.
10 Kindness - the best way to explain why must be nice even if it means not being authentic is: "the obsession with authenticity is as absurd as the obsession for nature. Kindness is not, therefore, a loss of authenticity, but a social requirement.

Why do mosquitoes bite?

No doubt, there is nothing more annoying that a mosquito buzzing us around during the night...
Have you ever wondered why mosquitoes bite more to you? Surely you've already heard a thousand reasons, among which is, obviously, that it is the "sweetness of your blood".

However, recent studies have shown what are the real reasons why these pesky insectitos not leave you in peace, do you want to know them?
You itch if...
Sweat: did you know that when you sweat, your body is filled with salt and humidity? This, in short, is one of the most attractive things for mosquitoes.
Not bathing: Messier between your body, is more will attract these annoying insectitos.
Breathing: When we breathe, our body emits carbon dioxide (CO2), and it is precisely this that makes that mosquitoes will detect that there is "blood fresh' to suck.
Movement: As all predators on the planet, the mosquito is also easier to identify his victim with the same movement.
Use perfumes: especially those with smells sweet or floral, since these scents attract mosquitoes.
Wear dark colors: according to Japanese research, mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors, especially red and black.
Body temperature: these small insects are always looking for heat, so if you have heat or your body has a high temperature is more attractive for them.
Foot odor: Although seems to us a bad smell, the mosquito is something that attracts them strongly.
Food: This is also one of the factors influential in mosquito bites, and especially foods such as cheese or beer are catalysts to attract mosquitoes.
Creams: Some creams contain compounds such as lactic acid that tends to attract mosquitoes.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Tips for combining dresses stockings

Do you like pantyhose but do not know how to combine them with dresses? Do not worry, today we want to share with you some tips to learn to combine stockings with your dresses.

- Means with dress in summer: In the warm seasons the pantyhose are not fashionable, but remember that if you need to attend an event of a summer evening dress in which cold can wear thin stockings or skin colored vanilla tone bright.

- Means with winter dress: This is the perfect season to wear pantyhose, because they give us the opportunity to wear a short dress without getting cold and look fashionable. In this case you should not wear a super thick pantyhose, tights opt for a blend with the dress you wear.

- Means with mini dresses: For this occasion opt for a light in dark tone averages preferably black, opaque and without details.

- Means with day dresses: If you are in summer wearing thin stockings and smooth skin or flesh tone opaque, but if you're in autumn season advantage stockings dress candles with designs and looks all you want.